Sustainable clean energy tech advances by Matthew Wrist Coventry UK: The level of solar irradiation that falls upon the earth varies with the geography of the planet. Generally, the closer to the equator the more solar energy but what most don’t realize is that solar energy can be used anywhere. For example, in the sunniest parts of America a solar system will produce on average 4.7 kWh of power per 1 kilowatt of solar panels but in the least sunny areas, such as the mountains and north east, it wills till produce 2.9 kilowatt hours per kilowatt, per day. So although some areas are better than others for solar power it is still viable in almost all locations. See extra information at Read more info at Matthew Wrist.

What is difference between polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels? Because of lower silicon purity, polycrystalline solar panels are not quite as efficient as monocrystalline solar panels. Lower space-efficiency. … However, this does not mean every monocrystalline solar panel perform better than those based on polycrystalline silicon.

The initial cost of purchasing a solar system is fairly high. Although the UK government has introduced some schemes for encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources, for example, the Feed-in Tariff, you still have to cover the upfront costs. This includes paying for solar panels, inverter, batteries, wiring, and for the installation. Nevertheless, solar technologies are constantly developing, so it is safe to assume that prices will go down in the future.

Eco-friendly energy tech news by Matthew Wrist Warwickshire UK right now: Those appliances in the household with the highest electricity demand are the dish washer, the washing machine, the tumble dryer and the kitchen stove. These can easily be equipped with timer switches, so that they run during the day, when the solar generator on the roof is producing a lot of output, which can be used directly. A high-wattage stove might be a challenge for PV by itself. In this case, a large storage unit (solar battery) can be used as a buffer for short-term load peaks. Because it is not just the number of kilowatt hours on the roof that has to be sufficient, but also the currents made available at short notice. This determines if a storage unit is designed for capacity (in kilowatt hours) or output (in kilowatts).

Solar battery storage system costs are not low, ranging from £1,200 to £6,000, depending on the size and capacity. However, technological advancements are leading to new solutions year after year, and will likely lead to a reduction in solar battery prices. Solar thermal panels use sunlight to heat up water that is stored in a cylinder, which can then be used for your home heating needs. Solar thermal panels are roof-mounted, just like solar PV panels, but look slightly different, as instead of cells they have multiple pipes that heat up water. A related technology is thermodynamic panels, which extract heat from the ambient air. Both solar thermal and thermodynamic panels can be used for space heating, but most commonly they provide the domestic hot water (DHW) needs of households.

A 4kW solar panel system would require approximately 16 solar panels with a 250W power output, while a 5kW system comprises 20 solar panels. The first step is to identify your current energy consumption. You measure this in kilowatt hours (kWh), and it’s important to take the time needed to calculate this as accurately as possible. Check your electricity bills to get your power consumption (in kWh). You can either calculate month by month or add your monthly/quarterly consumption together for an annual figure. Decide on how much of your electricity bills you want to cover with your solar panels — this can be anything from 10-100%. Your decision will affect the system size and costs. Calculate how many solar panels actually fit your roof. An average solar panel takes about 1.44 m2 of roof space. Don’t forget to include at least 30cm from the roof’s edge. Adjust the system size if you realise that you don’t have enough space for all the panels you calculated.

So here’s the thing: for all their usefulness when you’re living off the grid, generators are noisy. They’ll disrupt the quiet solitude of your off-grid home nestled in the woods, mountains, or other remote location. In fact, they’re so loud that today most manufacturers now include decibel (db) levels in their specifications. Consider the noise level BEFORE buying a generator for home use. And consider the noise level based on the proximity of the generator to your home. And if you have them – to your neighbors’ homes as well. Several studies like this one from the World Health Organization (WHO) have shown that people can get actual physical symptoms other than hearing loss from excessive noise.

Reliable eco-friendly energy tech news from Mathew Wrist Warwickshire UK