Eye Floaters services from dr. Aarti Pandya Atlanta: Aarti Pandya, MD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist who has been offering first-class eye care for over 20 years. She is committed to providing innovative medical and surgical solutions to common eye problems like dry eye, glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and refractive errors, and she is passionate about helping her patients attain and maintain optimal ocular health. Discover extra details at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM-curutmDQ.
Choosing the right time to have cataract surgery is a deeply personal and often difficult thing to do. Let us help make things that little bit easier by providing you with a clear understanding of what the procedure involves, how long the recovery process takes, the results you can expect to achieve and the lifestyle-restoring benefits you can experience. To complete your procedure, all that’s left for us to do is close the tiny incision and place a protective cover over the eye. Patients typically see clearly immediately the next day.
Fortunately, diabetic retinopathy can be easily managed. Contact us today to set up a diabetic retinopathy eye exam with Dr. Aarti Pandya, or continue reading to learn more about the diabetes complication, including risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Come in today for a simple diabetic retinopathy screening with one of our experienced eye care specialists. The pain-free dilated eye test consists mainly of an examination of your retina and macula to check for abnormalities with your ocular blood vessels and optic nerve, swelling of the retina, and retinal detachment.
Almost all of us have experienced itchy, red or dry eyes at some point. Dry eye syndrome is characterized by a chronic lack of lubrication causing irritation in the eyes. Depending on the cause and severity of the condition, dry eye syndrome may not be completely curable. However, most cases can be managed successfully. If you experience constant irritation from dry eye, let our staff of experts help you relieve your symptoms. With years of collective experience, our team has helped countless patients manage chronic dry eye with the appropriate tools and treatments. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about the treatment options we offer.
Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common variant, accounting for more than 90 percent of all cases. Initially it only affects peripheral vision, and its effects are gradual, making it difficult to diagnose without comprehensive testing. By the time most patients notice the associated vision changes, permanent damage has already occurred. Our surgeons utilize the most advanced laser technologies and surgical procedures designed to treat any variation of glaucoma and help save your vision. The best form of treatment for glaucoma is prevention. If you are over the age of 40 and have any additional glaucoma risk factors, it’s imperative that you get regular eye exams to protect yourself against the silent threat of glaucoma.